Happy New Year!!

As we all bid farewell to 2020, I finally had my first “international flight” today. What an extraordinary year this has been for all of us.

Here are my C.O.V.I.D. lessons learned in 2020:

  1. Care – This has been a year of compassion and care for my customers, clients, friends and family. We may not fully comprehend the challenges one goes through but we can always show care, empathy and compassion.
  2. Optimism – Events that happen do not define us, our optimistic responses and choices do. Many have transformed, became more agile and adapted quickly.
  3. Voice – The spoken word is powerful when we can use our voice to bring about hope to uplift others, when spoken with love, care and authenticity.
  4. Influence – Who made the greatest influence in your life this year? Who inspired and influenced you? Make a list to reflect on how these influencers gave you strength, comfort and courage to prevail.
  5. Development – To embrace a growth mindset, intentional development is crucial to your success in all aspect of your life.

I would like to share my appreciation and thanks to all my clients, family and friends who stood by me , despite a challenging year.

What lessons did you learn this year?

Let’s welcome 2021 with courage, optimism & possibilities!
