Global Success Learning Academy has partnered with different global organizations and partners to bring the following interactive virtual development solutions & programs to help teams successfully adapt and navigate this challenging period.

SHIFT - Adapting to Change

How quickly are you going to adapt or drive change?

Change in our lives is mostly reactive, triggered by a crisis, a choice or just by chance. In either situation, we must make a choice – do we make the change, or not?

This experience will stretch participants to make decisions that challenge these restraining forces and will learn new remedial strategies inspired by thought leaders such as David Gleicher, Rick Maurer, Charles Duhigg, John Kotter & Stephen Covey.

It will inspire participants to leverage change as a key differentiator to stay relevant in today’s competitive landscape. This unique learning experience will instill amongst the participants' various pragmatic tools and techniques to embrace change and overcome resistance from within.

SHIFT is a simulation inspired by ‘Who Moved My Cheese’ and other well-established theories and models related to adapting to change and overcoming resistance. It focuses on REMOVING 4 main traps, as barriers that often stands between us and our true potential.

The Comfort Zone

The Fear Zone

The Habits Zone

The Analysis Paralysis Zone

NAVIGATOR - Leading Team to Results

Mastering Leadership & Inspiring Performance

In today’s dynamic macro environment the pace of change is extremely disruptive. We are in a world, where an agile approach is a prerequisite to sustain, stay relevant and grow. Therefore, it becomes imperative for leaders to demonstrate an adaptable leadership approach to drive teams.

In conclusion, when leaders assess the behaviors and abilities of team members and determine their leadership approach nurture greater communication, collaboration and amongst team members.

Board elements

The Game Board has space for 4 teams to play. For each team, the goal is to bring the 12 Sailors to their part of the Island

Sailors profiles

Each Sailor has different personality types, motivations and confidence. Sailor profiles describe human behavior in various situations.

Decision cards & solutions

There are 5 Main Decisions that Teams need to make during the whole simulation. Getting sailors on board with the strategic mandate of the organization and enhance engagement.

Mental Toughness for Leadership Success

Mental Toughness for Leadership Success Program is based on the Mental Toughness methodology used by the most outstanding professional athletes as well as within corporate organisations. This program equips managers with development strategies and plans to help them perform under pressure, and to support others around them based on the Mental Toughness 5C's Fundamentals.

Elite performers are able to harness and apply specific psychological strategies that facilitate peak performances. The five mental toughness competencies highlighted here are:
  • Composure: Being calm and handling competitive pressure and anxiety
  • Concentration: Focusing on what really matters without being distracted
  • Confidence: Having self-belief and trust during stressful situations
  • Cope-ability: Handling mistakes and challenges through mental resilience
  • Cohesion: Possessing a team-oriented attitude and mindset

EQFIT® Roadmap to Sales Success

Realize full Potential - Increase Influence - Make Best Decisions

You realize you have untapped potential, unresolved challenges, and unmet goals. Your top performers are going to be those who connect well with prospects, know how to build trust effectively, and apply influence in the right way at the right time.

How can you replicate that kind of performance across your sales force?

In the constant and increasing noise of a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous (VUCA) world, clarity is rare, but clarity is critical to making our best decisions. The EQFIT Roadmap for Sales Success program is intended to use the neuroscience research and data to leverage on the 8 EQFIT Success Factors for Sales excellence.

EQFIT® Sales Profile:

  • Talent analytics – assess your sales staff to identify styles and success factors that are common in star performers, use this data for better hires and development outcomes
  • Hiring – create hiring models that identify star talent, enhance ROI sooner and increase retention
  • Performance – create meaningful and measurable goals
  • Develop – people and teams for maximum outcomes
  • Decisions – enhance decision making through better data